Concepts of Urban Development Organization in Thailand

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พรสรร วิเชียรประดิษฐ์


          This research aims to collect and study concepts of Urban Development Organization introduced in Thailand, as well as to analyze and purpose pattern of the organization which is suitable for Thailand. Urban Development Organization is a kind of governmental organizations or corporates, established widely in many countries, to support the implementation process of urban development. Even though it is said that there is necessity to have such an organization in Thailand, there is still no action toward establishment until nowadays.
           This research focuses on collecting related documents which mention about Urban Development Organization, such as series of government bills and several reports of the Senate, etc., and comparing concepts of proposed Urban Development Organizations in order to indicate diversity of thoughts and show conceptual changes from past to present. Then, summary and discussion are created to insist possibilities to establish Urban Development Organization in Thailand.
It is found from government bills that concepts of organization can be divided into 4 groups, e.g., the concept from Eastern Seaboard Development, the concept from Amendment of Urban Planning Law, the concept from Suvarnabhumi Aerotropolis Development, and the concept from Organization Upgrading of National Housing Authority (NHA). Though there are differences in details, most concepts give authorities to proposed Urban Development Organizations in planning, implementation of the plan and area management, under the supervision of public sector. Proposed Organizations are not considered to be as ordinary government sectors, but more like independent entities that have administrative power in operation and budgeting, for example as a state corporation or a public organization. This is similar to the contents found in reports of the Senate that support establishment of Urban Development Organization in order to create new mechanism to realize urban development. On the other hand, there is another concept of Urban Development Organization developed by private sector, as local enterprises and residents have empowered and established several “Urban Development Companies” around the country to deal with urban development issues and run related businesses in the field of urban management.
          Finally, it should be concluded that there is necessity to establish Urban Development Organization to make urban development to be more efficient, since it is said to be the solution from both top-down approach of public sector, and bottom-up approach of private sector. For short term recommendation, actions in local level should be promoted, such as coordination between active municipalities and private sectors. For long term, it is recommended that Urban Development Organization should be officially established in order to enforce state power, be more likely independent entity to have agility in management, and be operated with public participation.

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