Area Using Behavior in Department Store of The Elderly in Bangkok Case Study: Pata Pinklao, Mbk Center, Chamchuri Square and Tesco Lotus Rama 1

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ภัสร์นลิน เลิศดำรงค์ไชย
ไตรรัตน์ จารุทัศน์


          This project was aimed to study and analyze the area using behavior of the elderly in department stores which can lead to suitable area management for them in the future. The structured interview method was used to interview the elderly customers while the persons who were responsible for area management in department stores or entrepreneurs were interviewed by the in-depth interview method.
          From the study, first, the interviewing had shown that the department store was the second place that elderly people chose to visit. The area using behavior and the purposes of visiting depended on the strength and the selling point of each place. Meanwhile, the location involved the transportation ways they chose. Second, most of the elderly required of the senior zone where they can use it as a rest area for the major reason. While being the socializing area was the second reason so they can quench their loneliness. Therefore, the area management for the elderly should be considered alongside the usage behavior, the customer needs, and the selling point of that place.
          Entrepreneurs or private sectors realized the importance of becoming an aging society and the behaviorism of department store area usage in the elderly. Even so, they were not aware or motivated enough to develop their areas. Thus, the government should declare a policy that can raise their awareness and encourage them to establish areas for having adequate and helpful social welfare in society. For example, launching the campaign to ask for cooperation from private sectors, tax deduction and awarding to the department store that has developed a part of their areas for senior citizens so this can entice other department stores to follow the policy. Eventually, the beneficial social welfare in terms of the space providing for the elderly population can be covered by both government and private sectors.

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