Mental Well-Being of Dweller in Dwelling: Literature Review and Recommendation

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Methavee Ue-areekul
Kundoldibya Panitchpakdi


          Nowadays, well-being is one of the most interesting issues. Well-being consists of many parts; one of the parts is mental well-being or in another word is happiness which is one of mental health. Happiness, which is studied for a long time, is mostly considered by many sectors in various countries. An architecture industry also has studied the effects of the dwelling on the dweller’s mental health. Besides, the quality of dwelling is one of the important factors which can reach dweller’s health problems. Nowadays, many real estate firms are considered this significant issue through concepts, policy, vision, and products. Whereas, there is a consideration of the effect on dweller’s mental well-being from the dwelling’s design. Standards, which concern and attend to this topic, is not much.
           In this article, the researcher researches the meaning of mental well-being and the correlation between well-being and happiness. Furthermore, the researcher not only gathers the building design standards which focusing on the dweller’s mental well-being and collects academic journals about the physical characteristics of the dwelling to accumulate and also analyses all variables from standards and academic journals. Many variables are categorized in many fields such as safety, aesthetics, orderliness, privacy, suitable environment, convenience, cleanness, suitable area size, noise pollution control, and accessibility of green areas. As a result, safety and suitable environment are the most considered categories. Secondary, are suitable area size and aesthetic that is concerned by all standards as safety.
            However, the dwelling design standard for the mental well-being in Thailand is a lack of coverage. In the research study sector, the researches are only considered aboard. Mental well-being from the dwelling’s knowledge is rarely improved and has studied in small circles. Thus, the government and public organizations should support in academic studies for the improvement to develop design guidelines for mental well-being from the dwelling which meets the demand of dweller.

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