The Value Assessment of Matchimawas Temple in Songkhla Oldtown According to The Criteria of World Heritage Site.

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Chanikan Kiatpaiboon



          In order to execute the local municipal policy to nominate Songkhla Old Town for a world heritage city, the location of interest must pass the assessment for the Outstanding Universal Value qualification as well as exhibit the capability to become a world heritage site. This assessment started with the preparation of a location profile for the Tentative List submission, which is the first step of the evaluation process for the world heritage nomination.
The Songkhla Old Town (Bo Yang sub-district) comprised of numerous tangible and intangible cultural heritages. Thus, the research scope of this work was confined within the area surrounding the ancient wall of the old town. Taking into consideration a rapid change induced by town development and the site’s reputation as a tourist attraction, it is critical that a site study is first conducted in this area. This work began with an examination of the cultural heritage sites at a significant segment of the old town, the religious places. The initial investigation uncovered a total of twelve houses of worship which can be classified into three categories as such: six Buddhist temples, five Chinese shrines, and one mosque. The Matchimawas Temple, selected via the community participation process, was a case study for an assessment of the relationship dynamics between the religious places, the old town, and the Songkhla Lake. This investigation could subsequently be used as a guideline for the future assessment of other religious places in the area. The findings would also be beneficial for the nomination of Songkhla Old Town as a candidate for the world heritage city.
In accordance with the world heritage selection criteria (ii) and (v), the attributes of the Matchimawas Temple reflected a connection between the landscape design of the city of Songkhla and the old town cultural motives. The lakefront position of the Matchimawas Temple coincides with the position of the historic city frontier, and the construction components of the building (i.e. granite and clay tiles) also convey an influence of the local wisdom and the cultural exchange between Thailand and China. Therefore, the guideline for future assessments of the Outstanding Universal Values of religious places should highlight the relationship dynamics between the city of Songkhla and its lake, along with the expression of interculturalism deriving from transpired cultural exchanges. Indeed, this remarkable identity of the Songkhla Old Town is sure to provide a competitive advantage for the proposal to attain the world heritage title.

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