The Creation of Data Base from Building Information Modeling for Royal Thai Embassies and Royal Thai Consulate-Generals

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Sudarat Tiptaweechai


     This report is a part of research to study the benefit of Building Information Modeling (BIM) by constructing building physical components in the BIM of the project.  The Thai Embassy in Kuala Lumpur and the Thailand Consulate General's office, Penang, Malaysia, are used as building models in this case study.  The aims are to explain the steps in creating the BIM and to identify appropriate application in the management of physical resources of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In order to satisfy the objectives, research methods including surveying the actual construction (As built drawing) and interviewing personnel who work in the building were conducted to receive the information on building components and potential issues which could arise from developing the BIM. Graphisoft ArchiCAD was used to analyze and to summarize the BIM and building management together with making recommendations to the Thai embassy and the consulate general. 

The results of the BIM of the case study revealed that graphic images are preferred to summarize the physical information of the exterior’s building and the building itself, but the building assembly system requires to use of detailed information on specific building components to plan for repairs or maintenance.  From the interviews with personnel employed at the Bureau of Property Procurement and Management, it was found that for the information system model, the system prioritizes the character and number data (Non-Graphic).  In order to create the information, the BIM is not only required to use the actual construction model for the accuracy, but it is also necessary to use the data from the actual site survey (As built drawing) in order to receive more precise data according to the current conditions.  In addition, the information model is a source for remote data collection at two locations, the Thai Embassy, the Consulate General in foreign countries, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs located in Thailand (Distant Information). The benefit is to search for the accurate information and use the information to plan budgets in the future. In this regard, the information model is an important basis for further development in physical management, embassies, consulates of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the future.

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