Comparison of Lao PDR and Thailand Laws of Environmental Impact Assessment Regarding Architectural Design

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คำเล่า บูนยะวงลี
บัณฑิต จุลาสัย


          In the Lao PDR, nine laws and regulations about environmental impact assessment, including environmental protection, decrees, agreements, recommendations and regulations, have been promulgated since 1999, while, in Thailand, sixty laws have been issued since 1975, comprising the Enhancement and Conservation of the National Environment Act, ministerial regulations, ministerial notifications, and notifications of the National Environment Board.
          The environmental impact assessment laws in Lao PDR and Thailand cover two aspects: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)
          When the laws and regulations of environmental impact assessment regarding architectural design of these two countries were compared, it was found that they are different in terms of content. In terms of EIA, there are three types of architectural designs that require approval in Laos. In addition, the project owner has to take into account that there is a consideration timeframe for project approval of 95 days, that the due date for submitting the operational results is stated in the report, and that no penalty fees are charged if the report is not submitted on time. In addition, if the project is not approved, it can be resubmitted as many times as required until it is approved, and the report of the operational results is required to be submitted only during the construction period. In Thailand, however, there are five types of architectural designs that require approval. Furthermore, the project owner has to take the into account that there is a consideration timeframe for approval of 75 days, and the fact that the project can be resubmitted for approval for only once. Furthermore, the submission of the operational result report has to be done once a year, and penalty fees are imposed if the report is not submitted on time.
          In terms of Initial Environmental Examinations, the Lao PDR require requests for approval for four types of architectural designs, but in the Thailand require requests for approval for five types of architectural designs, and only owners of the projects carried out in environmental protection areas are required to file reports.
          The Lao PDR assigns EIA as laws and issues as decrees which are executed by the administration. On the other hand, Thailand issues EIA as decrees in the Constitution. The Thai laws outnumber the Lao PDR laws; as a result, the Thai laws cover more aspects than those of the Lao PDR.
          Although the Lao PDR and Thailand laws of Environmental Impact Assessment regarding architectural design are similar in terms of content, they differ in details. Therefore, architects whose work involves both countries must carefully study all related laws and regulations.

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