Pattern of House Expansion to be used as a shop

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Nattapong Rodjeam
Songkiat Teartisup
Surapol Suwun


This research article was submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the thesis on residential building renovation for store. The study aimed to investigate the residential building with the renovation to be community store in Ko Kret community, Pak Kret District, Nonthaburi. The objective of this research was to study and accumulate the residential building renovation models in terms of area usage, building planning, building components including factors influencing improvement pattern of the building.

The researcher studied and compared the residential building renovation models from field work. the building data collecting was on floor plan, side view, cross section, usage area and building components and categorized the accumulated data to comparing analyze the case study of 9 houses to conclude the residential building renovation for store model.

The study found that the building having renovation to be restaurant contained the renovation usage area and roof to be the dining area. In term of building plan model, they utilized the most out of environment and for material selection, they used strong and convenient for construction than the old material which were influenced by several factors affecting construction material selection.

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