The Historic Tree Assessment in Vientiane, Lao PDR

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           The purpose of the research was to perform a survey and assessment of historic trees in Vientiane, Lao PDR. And create a basic database of trees for use by the responsible department in planning the maintenance of trees.
           Preliminary preparations showed that the ISA Basic Tree Risk Assessment form by International Society Arborist, 2017, USA cover most of the trees problems that are present. Therefore selected this one for trees survey and assessment.
           The survey results identified 331 historical trees in the old town section of Vientiane, including 265 mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla), 36 Chamchuri (Albizia saman) and 30 Sak (Tectona grandis).
           The assessment shows no trees at Extreme-risk, but there are 70 high-risk trees on Setthathirath Road, especially in front of the Presidential Palace and Hor Phrakaew Hall and along Khu Vieng Road. Additionally, 189 medium-risk trees and 72 low-risk trees are scattered throughout the study area.
           The main problems affecting high-risk trees is dead twigs/branches, broken/hanging branches, cavities in trunks, and others. This presents the risk of these trees deteriorating to the Extreme-risk category, and causing damage in the future. An urgent management plan should be in place to manage this risk.
           The results of the research have been used to create a database in the Geographic Information System (GIS) that includes location, species, height, trunk size, crown size, activities surrounding area, site factors, defects, and risks in order to be useful in planning the maintenance of trees in Vientiane.

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