Managing of Accommodation and Life Style of Construction Labor

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ดนัย บวรเกียรติกุล
นันทพร ภัทรพุทธ


          Construction labors as human resources need to support welfare subsidies for proper features of accommodation that there are facilities for daily life and support an excellent life and safety for both physical and mental health as well as strong measurement of living. Therefore, this research aims to study and analyze daily activities of construction labor in order to provide the location of accommodation, public facilities, and various welfare that was necessary and proper for living and daily living of construction labor and presenting proper lifestyles in living and promoting the quality of life in both working days and holidays. The data were collected from interviews of 300 construction labors in 3 construction projects to analyze the daily life period and classify the daily activities of living according to the principles of providing the living area usage. Classifying the area as living welfare area consisting of accommodation building, shower and toilet building, kitchen and cafeteria building were provided to locate at the end of the welfare area. Sanitation usage area consisting of building or area for garbage gathering, for trash storage and for waste water treatment were provided to locate in the vicinity. Emergency usage area included assembly point area, first aid point area, emergency situation management area were provided to locate in the front area near the entrance – exit. Travelling area consisting route of vehicle traveling area and parking area were provided to locate in the front area near the entrance and exit of the accommodation building. Recreation and retail welfare area for area for exercising and area for grocery store welfare were provided to locate near the accommodation building. Suggestions for lifestyle of construction labors in their accommodation welfare, both during working days and holidays, from working hours to resting periods for construction labors to be proper for time usage. Usage of premises and facilities as well as helping to enhance the quality of life, both physically and mentally, for happiness.

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