The Architectural Elements of The Victory Arch of Vientiane, Lao PDR

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จินตะหลา เชื้อโชก
ชัยบูรณ์ ศิริธนะวัฒน์
พรรณชลัท สุริโยธิน


          This article intends to provide future generations to know the intention of the creator of Patuxai (Victory Arch) in Vientiane Capital. The purpose is to study architectural elements and to find the meaning of decorative patterns on the Patuxai based on document search and practical survey. From the study, the architectural elements, sources, and decorative details can be classified. Subsequently, the data were analyzed for finding the application of architectural forms between Patuxai architecture and its sources by separating the analysis into 3 parts which are base-body, top, and interior sections. And lastly is the analysis of the decorative patterns meaning. The analytical result indicates that the design of Patusai is based on religious beliefs. The base-body part is adapted from two triumphal arches (Triumphal Arch of Stars and The Arch of Titus), Lao Lan Xang stupa, and the entrance of Ubosot in Lao temple built in the 20th century. The top part is adapted from the thronethe residence of deityaccording to religious beliefs, and the interior part is adapted from Roman architecture. The analytical result of decorative patterns can be classified into 3 forms, which are the patterns representing the religion and the monarchy regime (Kingdom of Laos) as the main decoration, the patterns representing nature is the complementary decoration for more beautiful.

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