Land Use Planning and Tourism Management Guidelines : A Case Study of Koh Yor, Songkhla Province

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Supitchaya Sappapan
Sineenart Sukolratanametee


          Koh Yor, an old town and a popular tourist attraction of Songkhla Province, has been facing a physical problem due to its tourism growth without a development plan to conserve its environmental and cultural values. The research aims to find a common ground between development and conservation. Its objectives are to study Koh Yor’s values and potentials and to suggest land use development guidelines for a tourism that comply with its valuable contexts.
          The research studies multifaceted values of Koh Yor through secondary datas and surveys. Its current physical problems and future development trends are also studied, prior to conducting value assessments and analysing its physical potentials. Finally, land use development guidelines are conducted to guide Koh Yor’s tourism development.
          The results show Koh Yor’s three distinct values including (1) historical and fine arts value; (2) cultural value; and (3) natural and environmental value. In order to balance its potential for conservation and tourism development, a land use development guidelines are conducted. The guidelines consist of 8 land use classifications as follow: (1) historical and cultural promotion area; (2) natural and environmental conservation area; (3) swamp forest restoration area; (4) agricultural conservation area; (5) green area for eco-recreation; (6) Lake of Songkhla ecosystem preservation area; (7) development promotion area; and (8) future urban expansion area. The research also recommends a building of ecotourism destination networks consisting of seven tourist attraction zones and two tourist routes.

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