Development of Building Information Modeling (BIM) Tools to Calculate The Stormwater Runoff in Preliminary Design Stage

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Pattarapol Watcharamaethakul
Atch Sreshthaputra


           Currently, flooding is a problem that occurs frequently. Which mostly occurs in developed areas such as Bangkok. Which makes various design criteria, such as LEED, TREES and EIA, with the concept of design criteria to delay water within the project area so water outside the project area could be discharged to the public system in time. It is necessary to calculate the amount of stormwater runoff volume and discharge rate. The stormwater runoff volume calculation tools nowadays, such as manual calculations, Microsoft Excel worksheets or using the stormwater management programs, are complex and complicated for designers. It also requires knowledge of stormwater management to use these tools. Currently, the Building Information Model (BIM) is being used in the design of various projects. The most popular program in Thailand is Revit, which has an add-on program called Dynamo that can retrieve data from Revit to calculate complex mathematical data. Therefore, in this research, have used Revit and Dynamo to develop the stormwater runoff calculation tool that can automatically calculate the stormwater runoff volume and discharge rate. The process to develop the tools is literature reviewing, target survey and tools developing.   Furthermore, comparing the calculation results to check the accuracy of the developed tools. By comparing the result from the developed tools with the result from the calculation in Microsoft Excel. It appears that the developed tool has the maximum error of ± 2.52% which occurs from using the Dynamo script in Dynamo 2.3 which has the limitation of tools.

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