The Correlation Between Condominiums Providing Parking Lots and Distance to Mass Rapid Transit Stations in Bangkok

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Nutcha Lertpradit
Phatsaphan Charnwasununth


          Condominiums in Bangkok are subjected to the building code enforcing the minimum number of car parks to be provided in the project or Minimum Parking Requirements (MPRs), which are determined from rooms and building area. However, there is some research about walking distance. The research indicates the walking behavior of residents living nearby mass rapid transit stations which varies according to the distance to the stations. Those theories may result in differences in car use habits and providing parking space of condominiums located at different distances to the stations. Thus, this research aims to study the condominiums providing parking spaces in Bangkok comparing to the Minimum Parking Requirements and study the correlation between condominiums providing parking spaces and distance to mass rapid transit stations. The methods of this research are as follows: study the overview of condominiums in Bangkok, choose 280 sample projects, gather projects information from the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report, analyze and process data with statistical methods, and then proceed to the conclusion of the study.
           By studying the samples, this research found that condominiums in Bangkok have a proportion of condominiums providing parking spaces to Minimum Parking Requirements at an average of 105 percent, with the lowest value of 100 percent, or equivalent to the provision as specified by law. The highest value is 172 percent. Providing parking spaces in approximately 80 percent of the sample projects are not exceeding that average proportion.
           Moreover, by comparing the sample groups divided by every 500 meters of location distances from condominiums to mass rapid transit stations, the condominiums located at the distance to mass rapid transit stations within 1,500 - 1,999 meters are found to provide parking spaces more than the average of all the samples, with an average of 110 percent. While condominiums located nearer or farther provide parking space at the average or close to Minimum Parking Requirements. Results from correlation coefficient analysis indicated that there was no relationship between condominiums providing parking spaces and distance to mass rapid transit stations, with the correlation coefficient at -0.0055.

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