The Satisfaction of Residents towards The Management Juristic Person of Baan Eua-Arthorn Condominium in Bangkok

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วันฟ้า ศรีพวงเพิศ


          Baan Ua-athon Project in the form of a condominium was one of the housing development projects of the National Housing Authority. The National Housing Authority was established for low-income people to have their own residence, including taking care after sales project or management by a juristic person. In the first phase, there was a policy of operation with corporate personnel and after 5 years, it will be established and delivered care to the condominium by juristic person of the project. The National Housing Authority had the concept of administration condominium juristic persons in many forms such as co-owner administration and administered by the company. The objective of this research was to study the form of a juristic person, work info and employment of the Baan Ua-athon Project juristic person in Bangkok, comparative analysis of satisfaction of residents towards the performance of juristic persons in the form of co-management and administration by the company, including studying the pros and cons Participation of residents and problems encountered in the project. The research was conducted by collecting data from the annual report, Interview with condominium juristic persons and distributed questionnaires for the residents in 4 projects, consisting of 8 juristic persons, 50 sets of each juristic person, totaling 400 sets and descriptive data analysis.
          The results of this study indicated that there were 2 forms of corporate management in the present which were 1) owners management and 2) company management. It was found that the employment of employees in the form of management by the owners hired owners to do all the work. This was different from the management by the company, which had more hiring. Regarding the satisfaction of owners towards the performance of both forms, with Medium satisfaction level when separating the management; it was found that the aspects with different levels of satisfaction were physical, environmental, security and utilities. When considering the employment process, the employees will see clear differences in security, which, if hiring a security company, will be more satisfied. In additions, considering each variable, it was found that the average of the co-management model was lower than the management model by the company in every variable except for the variables that look after the community yard. Moreover, when considered the pros and cons, it was found that both forms have the same pros and cons. The most common problem was insufficient parking in the project and had the same expectations of the 3 administrative tasks which were the parking arrangement, solving the complaint problem quickly and conscious living.

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