The Uses of Landscape Architectural Spaces in Midrange Condominium in Bangkok

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bua punthata


          Landscape architecture is one of the major factors that affects people’s decidedness who are choosing a middle-level condominium. Consequently, landscape designs are various and need to be attractive for being a key selling point. However, in Thailand, there has never been a research on how architectural-landscape designs of these condominiums respond to the users. Therefore, this research was made in order to study landscape-usage behaviours of architectural-landscape areas within diverse middle-level condominiums in Bangkok, by having a purpose to set a useful suitable-architectural-landscape-design guideline for better future landscape uses.

            To accomplish the objective of the research, there are four methodologies of data-collection stage, including; (1) Establishing a consistent criteria of choosing sample condominiums, (2) Gathering the data that has been studying through the phase of principles, conceptualisations, and procedures, (3) Observing and recording the residents’ behaviours within condominiums’ architectural-landscape areas through setting portions of the survey area, setting a timeframe of residents’ landscape usage, and setting an analytic-comparison table from the residents’ landscape-usage-behaviours observation, and, (4) Interviewing a general information and general behaviours of landscape users within the chosen sample condominiums

            After studying, the results indicate there are four significant factors that affect architectural-landscape-area usage. (1) Landscape components; for instance, perennial trees, outdoor pavilion, rough materials/finishing that can prevent accidents caused by use. (2) Activity-areas allocation and Clear boundary determination. (3) Suitable landscape-architecture area for multi-users’ use. (4) Location placement of the landscape areas that can create strong connection between areas and smooth link between activities.

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