Change of Land Use Zoning in King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, 1914-2017

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Werapat Kramomtong
Pirasri Povatong


           King Chulalongkorn Memorial hospital is one of the significant hospitals which have long history in Thailand. The hospital was established in large land scale. To understand changing of hospital architecture, the change of land use zoning is one of the appropriate tools to introduce how hospital architecture in large land scale had changed. This research’s objective is to study the change of land use zoning in King Chulalongkorn Memorial hospital from 1914 to 2017 and how they had changed. Literature review, data gathering, data compiling, data analysis and result conclusion were research methodology.

           To conduct data gathering, evidence about King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital planning were collected and compiled using the same format plans by referring or assuming which represent the hospital plans in various time.

           Result shown that, the change of land use zoning in King Chulalongkorn Memorial hospital from 1914 to 2017 can divide in to 4 periods. First period (1914-1957), its medical service zone in the south was expanded and spread new zone to the west. Residential zone and education zone were its new zoning. Second period (1957-1967) its medical service zone was spread to the northwest. Its support zone and residential zone were changed from centralize to decentralize plan. Third Period (1967-2006) its medical service zone in the south was expanded to the southeast. However, the northwest zone was removed. Forth period (2006-2017), its support zone and residential zone were changed from decentralize to centralize plan.

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