Condominium Design for Precast Concrete Construction

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ผาไช แสงจะเลีน
บัณฑิต จุลาสัย


           Currently, there is a popularity of building condominiums with precast concrete, because there are a lot of duplicate units, in each project after the architect-designed, the factory will adjust the design to be consistent with the production process, which takes time and charge, therefore, the objective is to find a way to design a condominium Only large buildings according to the consideration of relevant laws that will be constructed with precast concrete by selecting Plum Condo project of Pruksa Real Estate Public Company Limited as a case study
            Currently, there are 13 Plum Condo Projects, each of which consists of STUDIO, 1BEDROOM, and 2BEDROOM. then there are 11 different room floor plans and different room sizes. The precast concrete component has different sizes and openings. Causing problems in production some component still has a small margin and need to adjust the steel grating distance or have problems in transportation and installation as well
            Accordingly, to solve the above problems propose a design method using the modular system to reduce precast concrete components and specifying standard opening sizes, resulting in a 1BEDROOM room floor plan, consisting of 15 precast concrete components, 13 patterns to be reduced to 12 components, 11 patterns. This method can also be used with STUDIO and 2BEDROOM rooms.
          However, with the above methods, the building's appearance is lack of unique and unattractive, Therefore, the methods of filing and shrinking component, vertical and horizontal welding, switching component positions, filing alternating sizes, and types of rooms, coloring, grooving are used to create diversity and the attractive in each project
          Proposed to develop into a unit warehouse and prefabricated warehouse for architects and factories to choose and continue using it, this method can also be developed into the BIM (BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING) system.

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