Proposal for Cultural Landscape Management: A Case Study of Pakpha-nang Riverside Community, Nakhon Si Thammarat

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Nonthawat Rodniam


        Pakpha-nang riverside communities, Pakpha-nang district, Nakhon Si Thammarat is a unique community, which shows the several physical characteristics of old town such as a major port, a former commercial center of rice and spices. The geographical features of Pakpha-nang are suitable for logistic and transportation. Nowadays, Pakpha-nang riverside communities has been found the traces of prosperity in the past. This study aims to characterize the compositions of Pakpha-nang riverside communities by the examination of related concepts of cultural landscape management and value and importance of community. To conceptualize for considerations of the cultural landscape management processes, the situations, critical issue and obstacle of community maintenances had been analyzed. Moreover, the conservation and development approaches and control measures determination had been analyzed to build the value, importance lead to cultural landscape conservation, maintenance and promotion.

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