Housing Renovation Demand of Elderly Club Member: A Case Study of an Elderly Club, Chulalongkorn Hospital

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Wannawasa Khamsook
Trirat Jarutat


          A change of aging people that affect to trend of world aging society also affects to number of aging populations. So, in many countries, have changed their different social system according to their environment, such as country policy, medical and self-caring. A changing of popularity that lower ratings of marriage, lower children, also a lower proportion of the aging population. Apparently, Thai people have to prepare themselves to face the old people's age situation which will happen certainly soon. Chulalongkorn Hospital, The Thai Red Cross Society and Faculty of Medicine have been aware of the importance of specializing care for the elderly so they have been building the building for taking care of the elderly in more comprehensive ways that facilitated the convenience of services and present the potential of elderly service standard opened in 2015. Given a building name as “Sor Tor building” form HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, provide an 18-floor service.
          To support the increasing elderly population also the different needs, this research focuses on the housing or the elderly. The study of the physical environment of living in the elderly in order to analyze the housing improvement needs of the elderly and make a financial recommendation. Including follow-up of housing improvements for the elderly
          This research found that most of the club members live in inner Bangkok. Most of them are in single-family houses. Having mostly income after retirement during the period 20,001-50,000 baht, living with their relatives. A source of renovation budget is personal funds, least from the loan. The most accident area is the bathroom. So, the preparations to prevent accidental are improved non-slip floor materials and installed handrails to support when sitting. That will affect the budget for improvement. And found that if most of the elderly have incomes that 20,001-50,000 baht will spend the time to pay for equipment for more than 7 months.

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