Incident Management and Facility Management after Fire Incident in Hospital

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Pawanrat Duangsutha


          This article reports results from a case study of a fire incident, including management of the incident and facility management after the fire incident.  According to the study case, the building is classified as an extra-large building and a public hospital that is the center of medical services. The information was collected by researching documents, observing meetings, asking questions, and interviewing key informants. The study shows that the fire incident management phase was divided into four sub-phases: emergency notification, extinguishment, evacuation, and rescue and relief. For the facility management after the fire incident, the after-fire incident management consisted of a damage assessment, a short-term solution in order to perform medical services, a stabilization, and a long-term recovery. The results could be implemented for future fire incidents response and planning in the phases during, before and after fire incident. This planning can also be utilized by facility managers to prepare for any unforeseen fire incidents in a public hospital.

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