Dog Parks That Satisfy Public Parks Users: Case Study of Bang Khae Phirom Park

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Sudarat Kongwirot


           Currently Thai society, especially Bangkok, is growing in population. In addition to an increase in the demographic aging, the lifestyle of the population has also changed.  Due to these lifestyle changes more single-unit families live in Bangkok, making pets a choice for urban lifestyle as a companion to relieve loneliness help reduce stress problems. From the survey of animal husbandry behavior of the population in Bangkok, it was found dogs are the most popular pets. Make the former governor of Bangkok M.R. Sukhumbhand Paribatra, made a policy in 2013 to create parks for dogs in 4 separate corners of Bangkok to help accommodate the needs of citizens who own dogs

          Objectives of this study of factors of sharing space sharing among dogs, owners and users in the park this includes the benefits of properly allocating the dog park area to minimize the negative impact on the users in the park to guideline design for renovate and build a new dog park in the future.

            Research methods include case study to collect data by observing and interviewing the activities of dogs, owners and users includes online questionnaires from dog owners has increased demand for a place where dogs and their owners can interact and exercise in Thailand to understanding the factors of sharing space among dog, owners and users. The results of this research, dog owners and park users agree on the allocation of space and the construction of dog parks for nowadays and in the future. But there must be a measure to control the safety and cleanliness so as not to affect users in the park.

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