Execution Guideline of Organization and Procedure Management of Preserved Area of Cultural Heritages (Architecture) for Tourism in Lamphun Phrae Nan Old town

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Terdsak Tachakitkachorn
Settawut Bamrungkhul
Piyathida Saikhun


           Execution Guideline of Organization and Procedure Management of Preserved Area of Cultural Heritages (Architecture) for Tourism in Lamphun Phrae Nan old town aims 1) to create and develop organizational structure model 2) procedure in managing area of cultural heritages (architecture) for tourism in economic, social, and cultural aspects.

            According to research, nowadays laws and regulations are not yet applied in managing the area of cultural heritages (architecture) in ancient town. As a consequence, the management within the area still lacks of efficiency. Therefore this research has made an agreement within the communities in order to effectively manage the area. We have proposed an organization to communicate between each sector and the communities. The organization consists of 3 types 1) remodel existed public sectors 2) utilize local organizations as communicators 3) founded a new private organization to serve specific tasks such as foundation and association. The organization should consist of people from the representatives of the government, business, education and the community it selves.

            Procedure and management of preserved area of cultural heritages (architecture) consists of 2 parts: dividing and managing tourism. It is required to settle their selling points and their positions in the markets, preserve the community’s scenery, remodel physical components and manage the budget and cost to suit the tourism activity in preserved area of cultural heritages (architecture). As a result, each community should establish their own organizations according to their strength and effectiveness in order to best serve their communities.

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