Growing Toxic-free Vegetables Using Alternative Energy in a Confined Space: Comparing the Test Results of Growing Green Oak Lettuce between the Hydroponic System Powered by Solar Cells and the System without the Use of Alternative Energy

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Prakai Khamphusiri
Vorasun Buranakarn


The study aimed to investigate the use of renewable energy technology and design a space suitable for growing toxic-free vegetables in a confined space. It is also intended to examine the results of oak lettuce between the hydroponic system powered with & without the use of solar cells. The population and sample was the 60 green oak lettuce plants. It has been found that both of the systems in the study were designed to provide all of the 4 necessities for growing vegetables: air, water, nutrients and the stem supports. Moreover, both systems were designed to grow vegetables using a water circulation with a water pump inside to generate a water circulation. Additionally, both of the systems were beautifully designed to be a green area for resting and pleasure. The results of the produce showed that the first system with solar cell and night light took less time and energy than the second system with statistically significant difference.

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