Land Plot Adjustment Guidelines to Meet the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of City Plan: Case Study of the Central Business District (CBD), Bangkok

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Veraphat Jenhatakarnkij


The objective of this research is to analyze the land plots that are able to construct buildings at full efficiency, which is the ratio of total building area to land area (FAR) of 10:1. Practically, the land plots with FAR value of 10:1 is in small numbers because of physical problems such as land plot shape and roads This research will survey the land plots within the study area using data from the website of Department of Lands to design the building by using SketchUp 2020 program under the building control law, for example, building height and empty space. The study found that there are 260 land plots, only 53 land plots can reach a FAR of 10: 1, with the smallest plots having an area of ​​1 ngan 55 square wa and the largest plot of land with an area of ​​9 rai 3 ngan 77.8 square wa. In 53 land plots that reach a FAR of 10:1, the minimum road width is 32.5 m. and the shortest roadside 17.48 m. This data shows that solving the problem of land physical improvement can be used to combine land plots or by expanding the size of the road or constructing more roads will help the land plot could reach the maximum of the area ratio.

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