Morphology Transformation of Sampeng Neighborhood: Itsranuphap Alley

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Yanin Thunkijjanukij
Terdsak Tachakitkachorn


Sampeng is a Chinese community outside the old city wall. It emerged in the same time with Rattanakosin Kingdom in the area between Wat Sampluem canal and Wat Sampeng canal. History and important roads in the area are studied but details in the period before that were not clarified especially in term of physical and morphological study. Itsaranuphap alley is diagonal walkway between Chaopraya river and Sampeng road. The purpose of this study is to understand morphology and importance of Itsaranuphap alley in Sampeng neighborhood by reviewing literature in historical, economic, and social aspect, related theories and methods, old maps, and GIS.

The study has found that, Itsaranuphap alley plays an important role in the community as a walkway connecting the river with Chinese community and further orchard areas. The alley connects to many landmarks and important places in Sampeng starting from pier, old shrine, school, markets to temples and has been used as a shortcut between main roads. The study about owners of plots around Itsaranuphap alley indicated that the areas had a density of business activities invested by the government and Chinese businessmen especially in land development by building shophouse for rent. The findings and methods in this study can be adapted for further use in other study areas with context resembled to Itsaranuphap alley.

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