The The Change of Flood Pulsing Landscape of Yom River Basin: A Case Study of Kong Community, Kong Krailas District, Sukhothai Province

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Pakkasem Tongchai
Danai Thaitakoo


River and floodplain are the significant structure of flood pulsing landscape, which generated benefits for local fisheries, economies and seasonal agriculture, driving their ecological productivity and biodiversity annually by the inundation from river to floodplain. However, Inundation has been often recognized as a disaster by human, causing them to manipulate flood pulse through various kind of infrastructure development projects. Those projects, such as levee, dam and irrigation system, have affected the flood pulse dynamic in Yom river basin.

The objective of this research is to understand the structure, dynamics, function and changes of Yom river basin, located in Kong sub-district. Including the relation between flood pulse dynamics and the livelihoods of people, the village economy and the change of flood pulse dynamics which affect the livelihood of people. The method of this study is to compare the change of landcover between 2502 B.E. and 2554 B.E. by using the geographic information system (GIS) as a tool to identify the landscape, to describe the structure of the landscape by overlaying the topography map and the geomorphic map, and to classify the water surface area by using normalized difference water index (NDWI) collected from remote sensing data.

 The results of the research show that the inundation areas are decreasing, such as brushwood, swamp, scrub and grassland and replaced by off-season rice plant in irrigation area, levees and dikes that disconnected the river and floodplain. The change in the natural hydrologic cycle a caused by human modification that led to the loss of benefits from fisheries, economies and seasonal agriculture. The consequence of the loss can be an adaptation of the people to a new livelihood in which these benefits are not assumed.

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