Transition of Teak Timber Supply Chain in Architectural

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Matchimat Makka
Terdsak Tachakitkachorn


Thailand has utilized Teak timber for over two thousand years. The timber is considered as economical valuable and high quality wood which is demanded in several countries. This is because it can be use for various benefits as construction to furnitures. Moreover, its architecture takes part in reducing carbon footprint as well. The timber not only valuable in the beautiful of handicraft but also an evident of era that reflects culture and value of the usage. According to researching the relevant studies, found that there is lack of the understanding of structure model, background and the characteristics of the supply chain. After the survey, the main sources of information of overall supply chain were founded. The study was conducted by a sample group of 4 manufacturers, processors, and distributors in both public and private sectors including (1) Koon Heng Lee Timber Limited Partnership (2) Thai Chiang Sawmill Limited Partnership (3) Eam Huat Seng Sawmill Limited Partnership (4) Forest Industry Organization. I collect information directly from the interview and studying information from other sources, including research, documentary and additional historical data, can summarize the era of teak entrepreneurs. The objective is to understand the structure, origin and nature of the teak supply chain in architecture from upstream water-medium-downstream and user these sources to synthesize through time division bring information to compile and create a timeline to understand the changes.

In conclusion, (1) It can be classified into the era of the entrepreneurs which are 3 eras : the 1st era, the arrival of foreign companies, the 2nd era, the sawmill community after Saket Temple, and the 3rd era, the expansion to Bang Pho district. The transformation of the supply chain can be divided into 3 periods during the first period of prosperity wood processing industry, wood processing industry during the second period of economic stagnation and the third phase, the succession period of the wood processing business (2) relationship between the supply chain between upstream water-medium-downstream users each period has different sources of teak production, processing for distribution transport routes and usage. (3) other observations in regard to bringing wood veneer production for export and import wood as a building material in the shipbuilding industry in Europe. The suggestion can be used from the study to expand the results to confirm and understand the value of teak, the standard approach to quality teak for architecture.

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