Guideline for Environment Improvement in Multicultural Community for Elders a Case Study of Kudi Chin Community, Klongsan Area, Bangkok

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Natnicha Kornkingmala
Trirat Jarutach


This research aims to study problems and barriers to accessibility of elders in public and religious areas in multicultural communities as well as to analyte the right environment for elders during Covid-19 situations. Additionally, the study proposed improvements on physical environment and landscapes that benefit not only the elders, but also everyone in the community.

All relevant information is gathered by surveys and multiple interviews with community leaders, and elders who are the frequently users of outdoor religious spaces as well as the residential locations. The three selected areas of study are Watphrayoung Community, Khudi-chin Community and Khudi-khoaw Community.

The majority of buildings and outdoor spaces in these selected case studies revealed concerns in several issues including damaged footpaths and roads. These facilities are currently not able to meet the demand for usability and accessibility of the public. Most of the buildings in these areas are very old and constructed of wood and mortar. They were not designed for easy access and usability for today’s standards. The majority of the citizens in the studied communities use walking as their main mode of transportation and therefore, new guidelines need to be implemented to improve these public areas for easier access for the elders, handicapped, and the public. Age-friendly designs and concepts are recommended to be applied public areas of these areas, such as green space, public seating, and public parks. Sidewalks are needed be improved to allows better use and access for the elders and citizens in these communities.

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