Evolution of Singapore New Town’s Site Planning

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Monthamas Sawatthanakoon
Kundoldibya Panitchpakdi
Pornsan Vichienpradit


Singapore has been making great progress in housing development by the government. The government has been using new town as an important tool for housing development. This can be seen from new town projects in Singapore which have been continuously developing for more than 60 years. Singapore's new town planning scheme is a plan that reflects government policies that are changing from time to time. This research focused on the development of new town planning in Singapore from its inception to the present, by documentary research and new town site plans. It started with policies studying from 1960 to 2019 to make the division of the development period. After that, this research compiled and studied all new town site plans to make a case selection of a city per period, and then studied the site plans in detail, concept, layout, composition, and land use percentage. Hence, the study was to analyse the relationship between the planning and the policies of the government in that period, then concluded as a lesson.

The result of the study could be broken down evenly into eight periods according to National Building Program which new town planning, government policies and three significant changes in the country were stated. After closely studied of all new town from each period, there were three times of important changes in the planning; 1) First: Nation building, Housing shortage and economic problem. Hence, new towns in this era were planned to have more of the residential and industrial areas. 2) Second: Improving people’s quality of life. New towns in this era were then have more of green areas, following the government’s Garden City concept, including more well-planned town than the previous ones. 3) Third: Modernization and technology. This is an era that changed the concept from “Garden City” to “City In A Garden” concept, a concept that emphasizes urbanity and modern lifestyle It reflects the new city planning with the planning of the mass transit system at the same time. And the use of new technology in construction, including the upgrading program of the previous matured new towns.

As such, new town planning in Singapore has developed in response to the concepts and goals of the policy in accordance with the National Building Program. New town planning in Singapore is therefore an important tool for national development based on the concept of "Housing A Nation, Building A City", Singapore's residential projects are therefore not just the construction of a housing project, but the development of an entire city. Such a worthy lesson should be applied for residential and town development in Thailand, particularly building harmonized housing development associated with national policies.

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