The Development of a Mice Industry Hotel: A Case Study of Horizon Village Resort Chiang Mai

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Pratchakorn Wanta
Kundoldibya Panitchpakdi


Horizon village resort. Is a large hotel that has been in developed for 13 years and is certified to Thailand Mice Venue Standards (TMVS). The purpose of this essay is to look into the elements that influence hotel development investment decisions from 2006 to 2019. The research method is as follows:
1) Review of the literature and relevant documents 2) Conduct a physical survey of the hotel 3) interview with entrepreneurs involved in the hotel building process, both in terms of development and

               The study's findings demonstrate that hotel development decisions can be broken down into three distinct stages. 1) Entrepreneurs decide to invest for the first time Because they see business channels, entrepreneurs opt to spend for the first time. and have prior meeting and seminar experience As a result, the concept of learning about local dwellings and agriculture has been promoted. Including factors of the operator's readiness to invest. 2) The expansion of the tourism industry phase; The expansion of the tourism industry As a result, business owners have decided to reinvest in hotel construction. since tourism is in high demand especially Chinese tourists. The hotel has been expanded. And was certified as a Thailand Event Venue Standard (TMVS) in 2014, resulting in a significantly higher income. 3) Modern management phase; the heir has completed a hotel education program in another country. As well as experience working as a Cluster Sales Executive MICE in international hotels. She was promoted to deputy manager. Furthermore, both the physical components of building design and the usage of local people in service and arranging festivals, customs, and customs are brought together with the location of the community to present to be universal. from the sales growth rate Furthermore, positive social feedback and positive relationships with the surrounding communities help the hotel become renowned and more well-known through hosting events with various government and private sector entities.

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