Kiosk Knockdown Design to Promote the Branding of Wat Phra Sri Rattana Mahathat Ratchaworawihan, Sukhothai

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Warut Veerasilp
Noppakorn Palawan
Rewat Amin
Chira Amnuaysit
Nattapong Pradisthum


Wat Phra Sri Rattana Mahathat Ratchaworawihan also known as Wat Phra Prang is a large archaeological group and the Royal Monastery of the Royal Class of Rajaworavihara, which the Fine Arts Department has announced the registration of the archaeological site in Si Satchanalai since 1935. And later in 1988, it was registered as a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Under the name "Historic Town of Sukhothai and Associated Historic Towns" Nowadays, land use has been developed for housing purposes, as well as using the area to benefit the commercial interests of people in the community to promote cultural tourism. This causes the development of space in a diverse direction. One thing that can be realized is the impact on changing landscapes or scenery. There are many archaeological sites affected by the deteriorating scenery. The researchers noted the problems with the archaeological site were not planned or designed to comply with the conservation and management of the World Heritage Site. Or the criteria of the World Heritage Convention, which leads to solutions, starting with a review of the literature related to the concept. Theory, observations, problem analysis, and 4 alternatives of kiosk design experiments with the design framework are the appropriate use of ancient elements. Support for commercial space activities the shop layout is consistent and appropriate for the surrounding context, as well as quantitative quality assessment with the following purposes: to find a kiosk-style that reflects the uniqueness of the Prang. Product promotion kiosk design and tourism stimulus The 100 people assessed the questionnaire into samples: 10 entrepreneurs, 40 tourists in the area, 30 people, and 20 experts to summarize the final design guidelines that can represent the image, identity, communicate clearly with the target audience, be interesting, and there is no visibility pollution into the ancient landmarks.

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