Guidelines for Developing the Detached House under the Concept of Healthy: A Case Study of Jirung Residences and Nusa Chevani Pattaya

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Waritsara Paijitpithak
Trirat Jarutach


"House" is a residence which is one of the four factors that humans spend most of their time in. But the house is not just a residence. Keeping the house clean and safe is conducive to living. It will make the residents have better health and quality of life. Presently, there are many of building evaluation certifications in each part. So, this research aimed to study evaluation criteria for detached house that promote well-being of the residents, study compositions of detached house projects with the concept of healthy houses in Thailand: Jirung Residences and Nusa Chevani Pattaya and recommend guidelines for developing healthy detached houses.

By reviewing documents relevant to evaluation criteria for detached house including LEED, BREEAM, CASBEE and WELL, it was found that the criteria of LEED and BREEAM mainly focused on decreasing negative effects on the environment while the criteria of CASBEE and WELL mainly focused on health or well-being of the residents. The two case studies of this research had never applied for any green building evaluation. The design of the buildings focused on ventilation to bring in natural air to keep the buildings cool and their concept was Universal Design to mainly support the elderly. They also had a health clinic located inside their areas to meet their objective to be a health-focused project. However, the residences of two case studies have the healthy score after living the house more than before 7%, the score of happiness and satisfaction on the projects in terms of health promotion 88% from the factors of environments, facilities and appearances of the house.


For the guidelines for developing healthy detached house projects in Thailand, it can apply the factors of environment, facility, house appearance and WELL building evaluation certifications which mainly focused on health or well-being of the residents. Because it has clear and concrete indicators. However, it is recommended that evaluation criteria should be carefully considered and selected to match the type of property, objective of project development and Thailand’s environment since most of evaluation criteria being used these days are from overseas, therefore some of them are not compatible with Thailand. Property developers who are interested in applying for building evaluation certifications may need to take additional expenses from design, construction and certification application into consideration as well.

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