Spatial Transformation of Sia in Lao Dwelling:A Case Study of Hinsiw Village, Khong District, Champasak Province, Lao PDR

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phaychith fongkhamdeng
Waricha Wongphyat


This paper aims to study the characteristics of settlements as well as interior space usage and transformation of Sia (veranda) in the Lao dwelling located in the southern region through a case study of Ban Hin Siw, Khong District, Champasak Province, Lao PDR. The study collected preliminary data from the document regarding the history of settlement together with the lao dwelling architecture in different places as references of traditional lao dwellings. The research methods included interviews of the inhabitants on the history of the community, settlement, livelihood, space usage in dwellings along with field surveys and measurements. The case studies are divided into 3 categories: the traditional houses, the old and new coexisted house, and the new houses.

According to the study, the settlement of the community was related not only to the direction of thoroughfares both the waterways and the roads, but also to the mother earth, resulting in the flexible orientation of the sia (veranda). In the traditional houses, the extension of the balcony space at the front of the house, which served for an increasing spatial needs of the growing household, accounts for the decreasing functional versatility of the sia (veranda), consequently, the sia (veranda)  has come to serve only as a sleeping space during daily life and a ceremonial space during spatial occasion. Owing to the increasing degree of the sia’s enclosures to accommodate it’s dwellers a sense of privacy, the traditional sia houses have gradually evolved into new coexisted house that increased the area of balcony and evolved into new-style residences. It is noted that while in the new houses where rooms are partitioned off to serve different household activities, the Sia has became a space for rest and reception in everyday life, it has remained it’s key role as a ritual space in spatial occurrence.

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