Physical Problems of Apartment Surrounding of Nawanakorn Industrial Estate: A Case Study of Nakornchaimongkol Villa, Pathumthani
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The purposes of this research are to study the physical conditions of the apartment by collecting information about the physical of the buildings, including the ideas about buildings and residents. Second, to realize the physical problems and the ways to manage the problems that have the effects on the physical of the apartment. Third, to find the conclusion and advise on the improvement of building physical and the suitable maintenance. This research was conducted in mainly two parts. The first part is the study of apartment physical condition by collecting the data from the survey with building plan and asking related people. The result is that the apartments in this research are low-rise buildings with industrial workers. The research found out a lot of physical problems caused by the poor management and the behavior of residents. For example, problems from both outside and inside the building, problems from the system and equipment, and problems from activities and environment. The second part is the analysis of physical problems and the limitation of physical problem solving by categorizing the part 1 information and create the document for rating the level of apartment problems that occur in various periods. Therefore, the result is that each building has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages and disadvantages caused by solving the physical problem from their own experiences and understanding of resident behavior, the improvement caused by fixing the problem, repairing, maintenance, and the problems that cannot be solved due to the building physical. Both parts of the study found out that the policy of the apartment physical maintenance should be improved by managing, planning from resident behavior to improve the suitable building physical in the future.
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