Guidelines Improvement of Housing and Outdoor Space for the Elderly Living in Muslim Community in Inner the Bangkok Urban Area Case Study Ban Krua Commnity

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Witthawat Wimolsait
Trirat Jarutach


From the situation of changing population structure in 2021, Thailand will be a completely aging society. There is a Muslim population in Bangkok about 4.6 percent and Muslim communities have located in inner the Bangkok urban area is an old community, Ban krua community is chosen to study. Ban krua community is the first Muslim community in Phra Nakhon side and It is a large community.  In present, the community is divided into 3 communities such as North Ban krua community, West Ban krua community, and South Ban krua community. All communities have co-tradition. As well as, there is many elderly population increases continuously.

The question of this research article was how to improvement of housing and outdoor space for the elderly living in Muslim communities in inner the Bangkok urban area. The purposes of this study were studying on social characteristics, economy, health, living condition, outdoor space of community, analysis daily activities and study on using space problem, in order to, present guideline improvement of housing and outdoor space for the elderly living according to Age-friendly city concept.

According to collected data by questionnaire interview and survey on housing and outdoor space in the study area. The study found that the majority housing of the elderly living in Muslim communities are 2 storey detached houses wooden structure and has a land area of less than 20 square wa. They regularly living in ground floor pray in multipurpose rooms and most of them have an ablution in baht rooms. Problems and obstacles of the elders were terrace kitchen and bathroom because materials were unsuitable for use. Furthermore, problems and obstacles of outdoor spaces were footpaths, roads, and ramp in the garden. Because of unsuitable using space, rough concrete floor, slippery material and without walkway handrail. This research will present an improvement concept, for example, offering suitable housing for the elderly living by universal design concept

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