Effects that Entrepreneur Resident Received from Market Courtyard Development in Baan Euarthorn Housing Project : Case Study of Baan Euarthorn Rom Klao Housing Project

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Witsawarut Kekina
Kundoldibya Panitchpakdi


Baan Euartharn housing project is the project that is being operated by National Housing Authority. And aims to strengthen the security of living, the good relationships within the community by building a community with community components that support the occurrence of economic activities such as community center, sports complex and market courtyard.

This article has studied the role and the importance of market courtyard in Baan Euartharn housing project in the ways of development concept, Baan Euartharn housing project’s goals for the market courtyard’s role and the impacts that the market development had on the entrepreneur residents of Baan Euartharn Rom Klao housing project by choosing Baan Euartharn Rom Klao housing project as the case study and interviewing 50% of all the entrepreneurs in the area. The results showed that market courtyard had archived the Baan Euartharn housing project’s goals. In terms of economics that entrepreneur residents were able to do their business well and get their payback rapidly because of the low investment, so, they were able to make good profits out of it. And in terms of the social, market courtyard was able to provide the good relationship between traders and residents. However, problems with entrepreneur residents’ perspectives have been identified as these following two received the lower scored than the others, including (1) a lack of effective management on screening trader profiles, cleanliness and safety. (2) for physical reasons such as spaces for the stalls categorization and the parking lot organization.

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