Rehabilitation of Vernacular Row House in Sakon Nakhon Old Town

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Tat Wattanamethee
Wimonrart Issarathumnoon


Rehabilitation is one of the methods to conserve vernacular row houses in Sakon Nakhon Old Town. This research aims to study present conditions, as well as changes in physical characteristics and utilizations of these row houses. In addition, this research also examines the causes, objectives and concepts leading to the selection of conservation techniques which is suitable for their current uses. Consequently, the results of the study were summarized and guidelines for rehabilitation approaches which are suitable for vernacular row houses were proposed. Research methodology comprised preliminary study of the study area and related documents and researches. Then, case studies were selected for in-depth study by field survey, measure works and interviews.

The results found that, at present, most of the vernacular row houses in the study area are still in use, whereas a few have been abandoned. Case studies show that the row houses have been physically changed by rehabilitation, which may diminish the authenticity and integrity of the houses. On the other hand, rehabilitation enhances utilization and historic urban landscape, maintains architectural knowledge and historical evidence of the area. Furthermore, this approach helps maintain spiritual value of the buildings.

The proposed rehabilitation guidelines include promoting historic urban landscape; focusing on the conservation of the walls and facade elements; promoting contemporary uses which enhance functional and economic values; increasing the importance of documentation; recording and documenting existing features and conditions of the houses, assessing values before implementation, conserving wood and using local materials, as well as planning for building maintenance based on the rehabilitation process.

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