The Phenomenon of Population Decline in Thailand: Analysis at District and City Level

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sirawit pattamasuwan
Pornsan Vichienpradit


This article is a study of the phenomenon of population decline in Thailand by analysis at district and city level, using data from the Thai population and Housing Census 2000 and 2010. The objective is to explore trends of population change at the district level of Thailand. And analyze changes of the population at the level districts and their relationship with hierarchy of cities in Thailand. The method is content analysis and descriptive statistics to describe the phenomenon of population decline in Thailand. The results showed that the Thailand population in the years 2000 - 2010 has tendency to increase overall, but in the region perspective. The decline in consideration was higher than 2 percent in the north and central regions, while the northeast was the most declining at 10 percent. Analysis of provinces by the district level with the cities tier in Thailand National Spatial Plan, thus found the characteristics of the population decline in various forms that happened to the provinces at the city center tier 1 and 2, e.g., (1) there are 4 provinces with a growing population in urban and rural areas 4, (2) there are 8 provinces  with increased population in urban areas but the population has declined in rural areas, (3) there are 2 provinces with declining population in urban areas but increased in rural areas, and (4) there is 1 province with declining population in both urban and rural areas. This grouping provides a visual understanding of the way of demographic decline in Thailand that will be critical to urban development. Especially in terms of urban and regional planning.

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