Relationship between Architect Service Fee and Scope of Service in Government Project

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Suphida Phunsukko


Today's design includes a complex of functional areas.  Technical diversity  and design technology  Therefore, it is imperative that the project has a clear scope of duties.  To study the changes in the construction design employment rate of government agencies  and scope of duties, nature of work until the work process of the designer  that it has changed in any form  and there are factors affecting building designers, government agencies  because each project is necessary to hire people with expertise in design to manage, monitor and control the work of the participants.  To perform the work according to the plan and achieve the objectives set.

Because BIM technology is still widely used in design and construction work.  To be able to work in steps starting from the design, construction of buildings in architecture.  To reduce errors and perform complex functions together caused by intermittent work and lack of audits, BIM is a technology that increases its performance even further.  And it is the work that can be completed in a full cycle (Live Cycle) as well as the guidelines for designing green buildings (Green Building) according to the assessment criteria of the  LEED, based on the wage rates of the prime minister's office regulations 1992 and the wages of the government procurement and supplies administration B.E.  go  and study the study from a case study that has written the project requirements (Terms of Reference: TOR) on the scope of various fields of the Prime minister's office regulations on supplies BE 2535 and the procurement and parcel administration act  government sector in 2017 for comparison

The results of the study showed that projects under the Government Procurement and Procurement Act of 2017 had actually increased workload and wage rates, as studied through all project requirements documents.  With the addition of the introduction of information modeling technology (BIM) and the introduction of LEED criteria into the project as well.  But still unable to summarize the cost of the project (BIM) because the rate of wages made in each project will depend on the type of project.  And the difficulty of that building as well  Therefore, it is suggested that further studies are carried out in this regard.

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