Living Conditions Elderly People in Housing Estate a Case Study of Nantawan Housing Estate

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Tossaporn Mongkolnimit
Trirat Jarutach


Due to the continued growth of the elderly population, most of the research in the elderly is related to the elderly in the community or the elderly on low incomes. Therefore, this research aims to study social conditions, Economy and living habits of the elderly in high-priced housing projects. The case study was selected as three Nantawan village projects, including analyzing usage habits, problems, needs of housing, activities and areas within the project to suggest design and guidelines for improving the area. The data was based on interviews, including surveys of residential areas the club building and park area. It has been found that the elderly spend too much time in the house with tv. Lack of activities to promote physical and mental health. some areas that are not suitable for the elderly. the bathroom are too small. The laundry yard level is different from the space in the house. Club buildings and public areas in the project obstacles to the use of the elderly because of the location of the club building. There is a lack of ramps to access the activity area. There are too few spots to sit in the garden or by the sidewalk. Therefore, it is recommended to suggest design and improvement guidelines, including adding recreational activities and learning activities in the club or park area according to the activity theory, so that the elderly can have social groups to exchange opinion with others. Stimulate elderly body to refresh with movement from activities and provide housing suitable for elderly living conditions according to the concept of design for everyone (Universal Design),such as expanding the bathroom to a larger size and installing the necessary equipment such as handrails. Adjusting the washing yard level to the same level as the house to reduce accidents from different area levels. Making ramps into shelters and public areas that the elderly use regularly. or provide suitable environments and facilities within the project to encourage the elderly to have a good quality of life, interacting with others according to the concept of road for life, such as setting the club location in the middle of the area so that everyone can access it within easy reach. The placement of chairs at any distance of 100-125 meters to allow the elderly to take a break periodically.

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