Development of the Criteria for Assessing Physical of Tourist Accommodation Resort Type which Corresponds with Yokrong Area Case Study of Amphawa and Suan Luang District, Samut Songkhram Province.

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Pongpud Satayapan
Kundoldibya Panitchpakdi


Samut Songkhram province is abundant of water ecosystem and Yokrong Garden ecosystem from the past until present because local people pay more attention to the ecosystems. This is because the most of the population is mainly in agriculture career. Thus, maintaining the abundance ecosystem and the house condition to consistent with the ecosystem. It has become a popular natural attraction. Until the development of a large number of tourist accommodation. From research found a number of resort hotel real estate operators in Amphawa and Suan Luang districts have developed physical feature of resort type accommodation. Whose characteristics are inconsistent with the Yokrong garden area This research is aimed at develops the criteria for assessing physical features of tourist accommodation resort type which corresponds with Yokrong garden area. The research for developing criteria is divided into 3 steps as follows: Step 1 1.1) Literature review and focus group meeting to draft a first criteria. 1.2) Physical feature survey of 47 resort type accommodations to be used for assessment 1.3) Testing the criteria 1.4) The results were used to prepare the interview form for first set . Step 2 2.1) interview 3 groups of experts by using first assessment form to draft criteria set 2 2.2) Testing Criteria 2.3) The results were used to prepare the interview form for second set. Step 3 3.1) The expert check criteria for assessing 3.2) Testing the criteria 3.3) Discussion of the study results showed that the developed criteria have elements as follow , as follow 1) three groups of principles including location selection, project planning and architectural design and landscape architecture which corresponds with Yokrong garden ecosystem.  2) 20 sub-criteria 3) Two type of indicators are quantity and quality 4) There are 3 levels of quantitative consideration methods. The expert  consider qualitative in 3 levels. The most important criteria It was obtained from interviews with local experts such as local philosopher and local wisdom.

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