Application of Japanese Vacant Houses Solution in Thai Context

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Kundoldibya Panitchpakdi
Sastra Srihabhak
Montouch Maglumtong


In 2015, Japan saw a steady increase in vacant houses as high as 13.5% of its total housing. It was caused by many factors, especially; a burden from land tax in inheriting the residence.The central government implied "The Japanese Vacant Houses Law" to solve the problem of the “other types” of vacant houses that may cause harm to surrounded community. This law empowered local authorities to manage, demolition, and renovation. It also established Akiya Bank (vacant house bank) to coordinate the benefits between the owner of the vacant house and those who are interested in using it.

The purpose of this article was to clarify the approaches in solving vacant house problems in Japan, and taking lessons learned from the operational guidelines that can be applied in Thai context for Thai housing agencies can apply these guidelines, in order to prepare for the situation of vacant houses that may occur in the future. This study is documentary research with additional data from interview with experts. The result shows that vacant houses situation in Thailand is following the footsteps of Japan, including condominium for sale in major cities and vacant houses in rural areas caused by migration. Thus, Thailand should therefore be prepared by: (1) establishing the housing database to understand the real situation of vacant houses; (2) establishing housing policies to control the number of vacant houses and reusing them; and (3) managing vacant houses by allowing local governments to operate under the supervision of the National Housing Authority.

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