Guidelines to Promote Pun Pun Bike Share for Condominium Residents around Mass Transit Stations: Sukhumvit Area

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Tanapon Panthasen
Supaporn Kaewko Leopairojna


Bike sharing services have emerged as a means to encourage non-motorized transportation and foster sustainable urban mobility. In Bangkok, the "Pun Pun Bike Share" project or Pun Pun Bike was introduced to promote cycling and enhance connectivity with mass transit stations. However, the project has faced limitations in expanding beyond its initial phase as outlined in the promotional plan. To ensure the sustainability of the project, collaboration with partners is crucial for extending the initiative to other areas, particularly those with high demand and easy access to mass transit stations via bicycles. For example, the Sukhumvit Road area serves as a prime target for the BMA with plans to expand the Pun Pun Bike project. This study aims to explore the feasibility of promoting Pun Pun Bike among residents of condominiums situated along Sukhumvit Road. The rationale for selecting this area is based on the following factors: 1) condominiums represent densely populated residential clusters, 2) Sukhumvit Road boasts numerous condominiums and serves as a major location for mass transit stations, despite lacking Pun Pun Bike facility, 3) Sukhumvit falls within the Wattana and Khlong Toei districts, which are part of Bangkok's promotion plan, and 4) collaboration with condominium juristic person could facilitate the provision of Pun Pun Bikes in addition to its initial phase. To achieve the research objective, the study investigates condominium residents' travel behavior, identifies challenges associated with daily bicycle as well as Pun Pun Bike usage demand, and guidelines for promoting Pun Pun Bike through a comprehensive assessment of the area. This includes conducting field surveys, interviews with BMA officials and Pun Pun Bike providers, as well as distributing questionnaires to residents. The results highlight that 61% of respondents express their willingness to utilize Pun Pun Bike for accessing nearby mass transit stations, and 79% indicate their inclination to commute to these stations by bicycle, provided safety conditions are improved. Thus, in addition to establishing Pun Pun Bike stations at mass transit stations and condominiums, BMA should collaborate with pertinent stakeholders to enhance infrastructure and ensure safety measures, thereby fostering the adoption of Pun Pun Bike in the study area.

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