Study of Physical Characteristics of Chinese Cemeteries in The Inner City of Bangkok

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Supanut Arunoprayote


Chinese cemeteries in the inner city of Bangkok, defined as cultural landscape, have been being traced back for the evidence of Oversea Chinese settlements in the heart of Bangkok since the reign of King Rama V. However, as an urban development, cemeteries became less important, and many of them were neglected, resulting in an unappealing urban landscape. As a result, existing cemeteries are likely to be altered and relocated in the near future.

            The objective of this paper is to examine and analyze the physical characteristics of seven remaining oversea Chinese public cemeteries in Bangkok's inner city, all of which are managed by five Chinese associations and one cemetery trust, by consideration of (1) setting and urban contexts (2) layout plan (3) building use and architectural styles (4) architectural styles of tombs and columbaria, and                         (5) landscape elements. The research method focuses sites inventory, involved person interviews, and paper sources.

            The study reveals the physical characteristics of seven Chinese public cemeteries representing six Chinese dialect groups, all of which were traditionally established on the city's eastern and southern outskirts. The cemeteries provide the city's open space, with more hardscape than softscape, although the common zones comprise a high amount of canopy trees. The cemeteries have a one-way entry and are divided into three zones: service zone, funeral zone, and tombs and columbarium zone. There are two different types of tomb arrangements: (1) Irregular cemeteries plan includes a variety of tombs, including their grouping, orientation, size, and style of decorations. (2) A regular cemeteries plan, which considers the unity of cemeteries, covers their grouping and characteristics of tombs, as well as increasing the elements in common areas such buildings and landscapes.

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