Impact of Covid-19 Crisis on Housing Expenditures of Food Vendors in the Navanakorn Industrial Estate, Pathum Thani during 2020 – 2021

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Natjaree Kongsa


The COVID-19 crisis has had an impact on both companies and consumers by reducing household incomes and affecting the proportion of regular household expenditures, as well as housing and home appliance spending ratios. The biggest source of work is Navanakorn Industrial Estate, which has the highest average monthly expenditures and the highest and toughest control area, with Pathum Thani Province having the highest average monthly expenditures and the highest and strictest control area. This research is intended to study the housing expenditure characteristics of food traders in The Navanakorn Industrial Estate. Data were collected by surveying and interviewing 45 food vendors affected by the COVID-19 crisis, categorized by store character into three groups: Group A (food stalls), Group B (restaurant under the dormitory), and Group C (restaurant located in a commercial building)

            The results of the study found that 1) when faced with the Covid-19 crisis, the income of food traders on average decreased by 31.4% from 42,356 baht per month, down to 29,067 baht per month on average, and Average housing expenses increased by 2% from an average of 11,780 baht per month, an increase of 11,897 baht per month because Group A and Group C have people who have changed their residences from the original rental rooms to renting an attached house in order to use the area in front of the house to make a shop. 2) Most of the food traders' housing is rented at 82%, with Group C having the highest expenses, averaging 16,867 baht per month because most of them rent commercial buildings. The second place in Group B, averaging 10,670 baht per month, with all residential rental characteristics, which are the same as food shops, and the third place in group A with the lowest housing expenses, an average of 8,154 baht per month, because most of them live in the rented rooms. 3) The solution of most food traders has received government compensation measures that can partially help the expenses. 4) Food traders' need government assistance, most of which require compensation, an extension of a rent reduction or housing payment exemption, a reduction in utility bills, and also need additional assistance by controlling the cost of raw food for food trading.

This research will lead to the understanding of the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on housing costs and the solution for problem-solving, which can be a guideline and informed information in order to decide on a suitable solution for the cost of living.

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