Community Potential for Community Development according Rattanakosin Conservation and Development Master Plan: A Case Study of Thatian Community Bangkok Metropolitan

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Katenakorn Apidejpisarn
Kundoldibya Panitchpakdi


The purpose of the Rattanakosin City Conservation and Development Master Plan is to encourage communities and cultural heritage sites to coexist by selecting target community locations and implementing community rehabilitation principles that are compatible with the conservation of cultural heritage sites. Within the boundaries of the operation region surrounding the Grand Palace, the Tha Tian community is the target area according to the master plan. The Tha Tian community has been designated to be a trading community area, generating tourist trade and service activities. This research focuses on the economic, social, and physical potential of the Tha Tian community. The reason is that the community's or residents' potential is critical to the community's conservation and development in the development of the neighborhood in accordance with the master plan. The data were gathered through literature reviews, surveys, interviews, and small group sessions. According to the research's findings, the Tha Tian community has economic potential as a trading community based on the responsibilities established in the master plan. In terms of the social component, as a small family, it is possible to alter or shift the application of building space from residential to commercial more frequently and people in the community have their relationships like relative ones which accounts for six kinship relationships that can be representatives of the relative groups together with the researcher in planning the community development. As for the physical aspect, it is the only community in the Hua Waen area of Rattanakosin with a view of the Phra Prang of Wat Arun on the bank of the Chao Phraya River as a backdrop and the Grand Palace as a font view for the community. It is also the first commercial district on the Chao Phraya River in Rattanakosin. As a result of the consensus in the small group meeting, the parameters for community development that are consistent with the community's potential are established. It is made up of three economic projects, two social projects, and two physical projects. It is separated into three phases of project implementation over a 15-year period, making it aware of the community's potential and limitations to come up with proposals with relevant organizations and the master plan that can be used to plan to support the growth of the community areas based on the community's potential and constraints.

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