Optimum Size of Aluminium Glass Door for Saving Materials

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Dussadee Angkanawisal
Bundit Chulasai


Doors and Windows are essential components of a building. with a value of up to 15% of the total construction cost prices for the popular aluminium and glass doors and windows are about three-quarters of the total cost of materials. This study will determine the optimum door size for the size of locally produced raw materials and with low scrap by choosing an office building designed by the Department of Public Works and Town & Country Planning as a case study.

From the study of 18 buildings, it was found that there were many types of door designs, including single-opening, double-opening, single-sliding, double-sliding, and alternating sliding doors. Each model has a different size. Single door opening only with width from 0.800 – 1.000 m. and height from 2.050 – 3.000 m. which have 9 sizes as follows 0.800x2.050, 0.800x2.500, 0.900x2.600, 1.000x2.200, 1.000x2.250, 1.000x2.500, 1.000x2.600, 1.000x2.900, 1.000x3.000 m.

Currently, factory-made aluminum has a length of 6.400 m. but only 6.300 m. is practical. Will get the width and height of the door that is optimum, no leftovers, width 0.900 and 1.050, height 2.100 and 3.150 m. or 4 door sizes: 0.900x2.100, 1.050x2.100, 0.900x3.150 and 1.050x3.150 m.

Most of the glass designed is clear glass, thickness 6 mm., currently produced from factories up to 11 sizes, width from 1.524 - 3.048 m., length from 1.829 - 5.080 m, including 1.524x1.829, 1.829x2.134, 2.134x2.134, 1.829x 2.438, 1.829x3.048, 2.134x3.048, 2.438x3.048, 2.134x3.658, 2.438x3.658, 3.048x4.267, 3.048x5.080 m.

Therefore, when taking 4 sizes of doors that are optimum for aluminium, no scraps are left, consider the size of the glass. It was found that if designing a door with a size of 0.900x2.100 m., use a glass of 1.829x2.134 m. or 2.134x3.658 m., the minimum waste will be 3.15%. A door with a size of 1.050x2.100 m. will use a glass of 2.134. x2.134 m., the least waste will be 3.16%. Door size 0.900x3.150, use a glass of 2.134x3.658 m., the least waste will be 27.36%. Door size 1.050x3.150 m., use a glass of      2.134x3.658 m., the smallest fraction is 15.26%.

However, when comparing the price of aluminium glass door between 9 sizes of single opening doors and 4 sizes of single opening doors, there will be both higher and lower prices. If comparing a door with a size of 0.800x2.050 meters and a size of 0.900x2.100 meters, it was found that the size 0.900x2.100 meters would have a higher price. because they use more aluminium and glass but will get a larger door which is the optimum size for aluminum and less glass fragments. It also saves labor in cutting off excess material. There are also doors sizes 1.050x2.100, 0.900x3.150, 1.050x3.150 m. that fit the material and are left with little scrap. Therefore, all 4 sizes of doors are the optimum sizes.

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