Tourism Behavior of Quality Tourists in Thailand

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Pimwipar Trachuwanich
Nattapong Punnoi


The tourist industry is a significant part of Thailand's economy, as evidenced by the fact that it generates more than 20% of the country's overall income. Thailand has traditionally measured tourism success by the number of tourists who visit the nation, both Thais and foreigners. The area's capacity being exceeded generated numerous issues with the area's tourism resources. As a result, Thailand's tourism development aims have shifted to focus on quality tourists. The aim of the author was to investigate and collect quality tourist behavior. To have a deeper grasp of the history of the notion of quality tourists, in order to identify success indicators for attracting quality visitors. High spending habits and long stays are two criteria that are important to Thailand's current tourism development strategy. In addition, suggestions for assessing data on the behavior and needs of quality tourists were provided. Included is an assessment of the area's potential and readiness to accept tourists, as well as the quality of the location as seen via the notion of tourism aspects, which are made up of appealing elements. Using the tourism elements, which consists of attraction, amenities, and accessibility. In order to be able to lay out the direction of the policy plan to attract quality tourists and balance the needs of both quality tourists and those in the area

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