Evaluation of Energy Conservation Measures and Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction in Office and Residential Condominium Buildings Using Marginal Abatement Cost Curves

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Kantaphong Srimuang
Atch Sreshthaputra
Sarin Pinich


Energy consumption during the Cradle-to-Gate and Use-Phase is still the main factor in the production of CO2 in the atmosphere. This research aims to study the effectiveness of various energy conservation measure related to the building to assess the cost-effectiveness of existing energy conservation measures in terms of the proportion of CO2 emission reductions to life cycle costs.

Also, data collected on office and residential condominium buildings in Bangkok was as a baseline to study the energy conservation measures building design : orientation, wall insulation, roof insulation, solar cell, air conditioning system efficiency, electrical systems, and lighting. Estimation of greenhouse gas emission factors based on ICE Version 2, and Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization in 2020 by using Marginal Abatement Cost Curves.

Among studying during the age of the 60 years building, it was found that in the office building, all energy conservation measures are effective to reduce CO2 emissions. Automatic Daylighting Controls is the most cost-effective option due to the ability to reduce the amount of CO2 emissions in the amount of 14.77% and reduce life cycle costs by 13.85%. In a residential condominium building, all energy conservation measures are effective in reducing CO2 emission except the roof insulation. Energy conservation measure to install solar cells 20% of the total energy used in the building, is the most cost-effective choice. It is the most cost-effective option as reduce CO2 emissions by 18.17% and reduce life cycle costs by 7.17%.

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