The Study of Building Information Modelling (BIM) Requirements in Terms of Reference (TOR) for Design Service: Case Studies of Government Building Projects

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Aleena Thammasorn


Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a process that aims to integrate the workflow of building design and construction. This research focuses on the planning and design phases, which are the fundamentals in preparation for BIM. The stakeholders in these phases are the project owner and the designer with an agreement between each party - Terms of Reference (TOR). The collaboration process for BIM results in a unique scope of work but at present, studies in this area are still limited. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to study the BIM requirements in TOR for Design Service of Government Building Projects.

The study shows that current public procurements that use BIM still lack details on key elements of BIM requirements including BIM Uses, Schedule, Standards, Communication, Technology, Model Structure, BIM Team, Project Meeting, and Quality Control. These elements should be fully defined in order to make TOR complete and help procurements more efficient. Details of each element can be referred to in BIM Execution Plan guidelines or other additional BIM standards.

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